Disclaimer: This information is provided as is. There may be errors in this information. You may use this information only if you agree that Minimalist / Coinop.org, its employees, and noted authors will never be held responsible for any damage, injury, death, mayhem, etc. caused by errors in the information. When working with high voltage, never work alone and always follow safety precautions.

Document Title: [GalaxianMap.html (html file)]

Galaxian Memory Map
Galaxians hardware info 

Compiled from information provided by friends and Uncles on RGVAC.
            111111AAAAAAAAAA     DDDDDDDD   Schem   function
HEX         5432109876543210 R/W 76543210   name

5000-57FF   01010AAAAAAAAAAA R/W DDDDDDDD   !Vram   Character ram
5800-583F   01011AAAAAAAAAAA R/W DDDDDDDD   !OBJRAM Screen attributes
5840-585F   01011AAAAAAAAAAA R/W DDDDDDDD   !OBJRAM Sprites

6000        0110000000000000 R   -------D   !SW0    coin1   
6000        0110000000000000 R   ------D-   !SW0    coin2
6000        0110000000000000 R   -----D--   !SW0    p1 left
6000        0110000000000000 R   ----D---   !SW0    p1 right
6000        0110000000000000 R   ---D----   !SW0    p1shoot
6000        0110000000000000 R   --D-----   !SW0    table ??
6000        0110000000000000 R   -D------   !SW0    test 
6000        0110000000000000 R   D-------   !SW0    service

6000        0110000000000001 W   -------D   !DRIVER lamp 1 ??
6001        0110000000000001 W   -------D   !DRIVER lamp 2 ??
6002        0110000000000010 W   -------D   !DRIVER lamp 3 ??
6003        0110000000000011 W   -------D   !DRIVER coin control
6004        0110000000000100 W   -------D   !DRIVER Background lfo freq bit0
6005        0110000000000101 W   -------D   !DRIVER Background lfo freq bit1
6006        0110000000000110 W   -------D   !DRIVER Background lfo freq bit2
6007        0110000000000111 W   -------D   !DRIVER Background lfo freq bit3

6800        0110100000000000 R   -------D   !SW1    1p start  
6800        0110100000000000 R   ------D-   !SW1    2p start
6800        0110100000000000 R   -----D--   !SW1    p2 left
6800        0110100000000000 R   ----D---   !SW1    p2 right
6800        0110100000000000 R   ---D----   !SW1    p2 shoot
6800        0110100000000000 R   --D-----   !SW1    no used
6800        0110100000000000 R   -D------   !SW1    dip sw1
6800        0110100000000000 R   D-------   !SW1    dip sw2

6800        0110100000000000 W   -------D   !SOUND  reset background F1 
                                                    (1=reset ?)
6801        0110100000000001 W   -------D   !SOUND  reset background F2
6802        0110100000000010 W   -------D   !SOUND  reset background F3
6803        0110100000000011 W   -------D   !SOUND  Noise on/off
6804        0110100000000100 W   -------D   !SOUND  not used
6805        0110100000000101 W   -------D   !SOUND  shoot on/off
6806        0110100000000110 W   -------D   !SOUND  Vol of f1
6807        0110100000000111 W   -------D   !SOUND  Vol of f2

7000        0111000000000000 R   -------D   !DIPSW  dip sw 3
7000        0111000000000000 R   ------D-   !DIPSW  dip sw 4
7000        0111000000000000 R   -----D--   !DIPSW  dip sw 5
7000        0111000000000000 R   ----D---   !DIPSW  dip s2 6

7001        0111000000000001 W   -------D   9Nregen NMIon
7004        0111000000000100 W   -------D   9Nregen stars on
7006        0111000000000110 W   -------D   9Nregen hflip
7007        0111000000000111 W   -------D   9Nregen vflip

Note: 9n reg,other bits  used on moon cresta for extra graphics rom control.

7800        0111100000000000 R   --------   !wdr    watchdog reset
7800        0111100000000000 W   DDDDDDDD   !pitch  Sound Fx base frequency