Disclaimer: This information is provided as is. There may be errors in this information. You may use this information only if you agree that Minimalist / Coinop.org, its employees, and noted authors will never be held responsible for any damage, injury, death, mayhem, etc. caused by errors in the information. When working with high voltage, never work alone and always follow safety precautions.

Document Title: [DefenderMap.html (html file)]

0000 - 9800 Video RAM
C000 - CFFF ROM (4 banks) + I/O

C000 - C00F Color Registers  (16 bytes of BBGGGRRR)

C3FC        WatchDog

C400 - C4FF CMOS RAM battery backed up

C800        6 bits of the video counters bits 2-7

CC00        PIA1_data a (widget = I/O board)

  bit 0  Auto Up
  bit 1  Advance
  bit 2  Right Coin
  bit 3  High Score Reset
  bit 4  Left Coin
  bit 5  Center Coin
  bit 6
  bit 7

CC01 PIA1_ctrl a

CC02 PIA1_data b

  bit 0 \
  bit 1 |
  bit 2 |-6 bits to sound board
  bit 3 |
  bit 4 |
  bit 5 /
  bit 6 \
  bit 7 /Plus CA2 and CB2 = 4 bits to drive the LED 7 segment

CC03 PIA1_ctrl b (CB2 select between player 1 and player 2 controls if cocktail)

CC04 PIA2_data a

  bit 0  Fire
  bit 1  Thrust
  bit 2  Smart Bomb
  bit 3  HyperSpace
  bit 4  2 Players
  bit 5  1 Player
  bit 6  Reverse
  bit 7  Down

CC05 PIA2_ctrl a

CC06 PIA2_data b

  bit 0  Up
  bit 1
  bit 2
  bit 3
  bit 4
  bit 5
  bit 6
  bit 7

CC07 PIA2_ctrl b

  Control the IRQ

D000 Select bank (C000-Cfff)
  0 = I/O
  1 = BANK 1
  2 = BANK 2
  3 = BANK 3
  7 = BANK 4