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Document Title: [AsteroidsDeluxeVecGen.html (html file)]

Asteroids Deluxe Vector Generator

Program Counter

Counters F4, H4, and J4 contain the address of the next data byte (instruction)
to be fetched from the the Vector Generator memory. Because these counters
point to the next instruction in memory to be retrieved and performed, they
are called the program counter. This program counter is incrememted one count
(to the next sequential address) each time the information at its current
address is loaded into data latch 0 or data latch 2.

The program counter may also be preset to "jump" to a new address. This new
address. This new address can be loaded into the program counter from the
vector generator memory via data latches F6 and H6 and buffers H5 and J5.

The program counter may also be preset to "return" to a previous assress which
it had stored in its "stack". The stack consists of register files F3, H3, and
J3, and down/up counter K4. The stack is a 4-word 12 bit memory, used to save
the contents of the program coutner for future reference. It is loaded when
DMAPUSH/ is low. Immediately after information is written into the stack,
counter K4 increments one count. Immediately before loading the program counter
from the stack, counter K5 decrements one count.

Vector Generator Memory Address Selector

The address selector consists of multiplexers F2, H2, J2 and K2. When VMEM/ is
low, the MPU of the microcomputer gains access to the address inputs of the
vector generator memory. In this state, BUFFEN/ is from Ph2/ and VW/ (vector
generator write) is low when Ph2/ and R/WB are both low. Wehn VMEM/ is high,
the address input to the vector generator memory is from the vector generator
program counter and state machine. In this state, BUFFEN/ and VW/ are both
held high by the pullup resistors connected to the 2B and 3B inputs of
multiplexer K2.

Address decored L2 decodes address bits A11 and A12, and selects the RAM or one
of three ROMs of the vector-generator memory.

This address-selecting arrangement allows the game MPU to access the vector
generator memory, i.e., write data into the vector-generator RAM to instruct
the vector generator what is should do next. The address selector can then
allow the vector-generator program counter and state machine to access this 
same area of RAM also, and read what instructions were sent to it by the game

Vector Generator Memory Data Latches

The data latches consist of latch 0 (H6), latch 1 (F6), latch 2 (J6), and
latch 3 (K6). Inputs DDMA0 thru DDMA7 are the data outputs from the
vector-generator memory.

Latches 0 thru 2 are directly clocked by the rising edge of the LATCH0/,
LATCH1/, and LATCH2/ outputs from the vector generator's state machine.
Latch 3 is clocked by LATCH3/ or by LATCH0/, if ALPHANUM/ is low. Latch 0
is cleared when RESET/, DMAGO/, or ALPHANUM/ goes low. Latch 1 is cleared

State Machine

The state machine is the "master controller" of the vector-generator ciruitry.
It receives instructions from the game MPU, via the vector generator RAM. It
carries out these instrucions by accessing the appropriate sections of the
vector-generator ROM memory, using the vector-generator program ocunter to do
so. The state machine reads the vector-generator ROM data (via Timer 0-3) and
decodes this information to determine how it should use this data: 1) to draw
a vector; 2) to move the monitor beam to a new position on the monitor display;
3) to "jump" to a new vector memory address; 4) to return to a previous vector
memory address; or 5) to tell the game MPU that it has completed its current
instructions, and is waiting for the next command.

The state machine consists of input gates B8 and E5, ROM C8, latch D8, clock
circitry A6 and decoder E8. Four-bit input TIMER0 thru TIMER3 is the operation-
code input to the state machine. The A4 thru A6 address input to ROM C8 tells
the ROM which instruction to perform. Address inputs A0 thru A3 from latch D8
tells the ROM which state was last performed. The address A7 input GO/ tells
the ROM that the position counters are presently drawing a vector. The HALT/
input to A7 tells the ROM that the vector generator has completed its

During initial power-up of the game, the HALT/ signal is preset low. The
microcomputer reads the high HALT signal through its switch input port (sel/mux
L10) on data line DB7. This tells the microcomputer that the vector generator
is halted and waiting for an instruction. To ensure that the beam is off when
the state machine is halted, the high HALT, clock through latch D8, results
in a low BLANK/ to the Z-axis output.

The microcomputer outputs an address that results in a DMAGO/ signal that 
causes HALT/ to go high, and clears the vector generator data latches. This
makes TIMER0 thru TIMER3 signals all low. The state machine now begins 
executing instructions, starting at vector memory location 0.

When the state machine receives the operation code for a HALT/ instruction,
it outputs a low HALTSTROBE/ setting the HALT flip-flop A9, and suspending
state machine operation.

The GO signals load and enable the vector timer and the X and Y position
counters and tell the ROM that the vector generator is now actively drawing
a vector. The HALT/ input to GO flip-flop A9 sets the outputs to ensure that
the vector timer and position counters are not active when the state machine
is halted. When a low GOSTROBE/ is clocked through A9, the vector timer and
X- and Y-position counters begin to operate from the Go, GO/ and GO/* signals.
When STOP/ is clocked through A9, the vector timer has reached its maximum
count, and GO/ goes high. This means the vector has been drawn.

The VGCK input to the clock circuitry is a buffered 1.5-MHz clock signal from
the microcomputer. This is the same frequency used to clock the MPU of the
microcomputer. This is the same frequency used to clock the MPU of the
microcomputer. The signal clocks latch D8 unless the microcomputer is
addressing the vector RAM or ROM memories (when VMEM/ goes low). Then the
clock input to latch D8 goes high and stays high until VMEM/ goes high.

Vector Timer

The purpose of the vector timer is to time out the length of time it takes to
"draw" and actual vector on the monitor display. During the interfal when the 
X- and Y- position counters are actually drawing the vector, STOP/ is high.
This prevents the vector-generator state machine from advancing to its next
state until the vector currently being drawn is completed. As soon as the
vector has been drawn, STOP/ goes low, allowing the state machine to advance
to the next state in its intedned sequence.

The vector timer consists of multiplexer F5, decoder E6, latch M6, adder M5,
and counters B6, C6, and D6. M6 contains a scale factor which is added in M5
to the four timer signals. If TIMER0 thru TIMER3 inputs are any state but all
high, decoder E6 directly decodes the suma dn loads the decoded low into one
of the counters. When GO/ goes low, the counters count from the loaded count
until the counters all reach their maximum count. This count is a maximum
length of 1024. At his time STOP/ goes low and clears the GO flip-flop of the
state machine.

If the TIMER signals are all high, ALPHANUM/ goes low and data signals DVX11 
and DVY11 are decoded by decoder E6. This is added to the scale factor and
loaded into the counters.

X- and Y-Position counters

The X- and Y-postion counters are two identical circuits. Therefore, the
following description discusses only the X-postion counters.

The X-position counters contain rate multipliers (J8 and K8), down/up
counters (C9, D9 and E9), multiplexers (C10, D/E10, E10), latch
(F10), and associated gates (B8 and H10). The output of the down/up
counters is a 12-bit binary number that represents the horizontal
location of the beam on the monitor screen (or X axis), with 0 being
the far left side of the screen and 1023 being the far right side of
the screen. Increasing or decreasing this binary number output will 
cause the beam to more to the right or left, respectively. The vector
generator state machine decodes instructions from its memory, and then
is capable of using that data to alter the binary count of these counters
in one of two ways.

The state machine can preset these counters to an entirely different
number from their previous contents. This will cause the beam to "jump"
to a new location on the monitor screen instataneously, i.e., for
drawing a new vector from a different starting position than where the
previous vector ended. While the beam is "jumping" to this new position,
the beam itself is turned off to prevent unwanted lines from appearing
on the screen. To preset this new position into the counters, the state
generator causes LDSTROBE/ to go low. At this time, a new 12 bit number
(DVX0-11) is loaded into the counters from the vector generator memory
data latches.

The state machine can also instruct these counters to count up or down
any specific number of counts. This will cause the beam to move to the
left or to the right a specific distance relative to where it was.
During ths beam movement, the beam is turned on with the desired intensity.
This is the procedure used to draw a vector on the monitor screen. The
direction (to the left or right) and length (0 to 1023) of the vector to
be drawn relative to the beam's current position is determined by DVX0-11
(from the vector generator memory data latches). This data contains
information that determines how many clock pulses the counters will receive
and wheter the counters will count up or down.

DVX0-9 memory data is loaded into rate multipliers J8 and K8. The function
of these devices is to space the desired number of counter clock pulses
at equal intervals over the time period that it will take to draw the
desired vector. This insures that vectors of different lengths will still
be displayed with the same relative beam intensity. DVX10 and 11 are loaded
directly into the counters. DVX10 determines wheter the counters count up
or down. DVX11 determines the quadrant of the vector being drawn.

The UNMDACX1 thru UNMDACX10 (X-axis unmultiplexed digital-to-analog converter
signals) are transfered and stored at the output of the multiplexers on each
rising edge of the 6-MHz clock (from the microcomputer clock circuitry). The
DACX1 thru DACX10 signals are sent to the digital-to-analog converters (DACs)
in the X video output. The DACX1 and DACX10 outputs represent the physical
placement of the beam on the monitor. The far left of the monitor screen is 0,
the center is 512, and the far right is 1023. Therefore, if the DACX1 thru
DACX10 signal was greater than 1023, the monitor beam would go off the right
side of the screen and start again on the left side of the screen, a 
"wraparound" condition. To prevent a sraparound, the multiplexers' select
input from UNMDACX11 goes hight when the count is greater than 1023 or less
than 0. This selects UNMDACX12/ to be output from the multiplexers to the
DACs, forcing all zeros or all ones, and thus keeping the beam on the
appropriate side on ths screen, instead of allowing it to wraparound.

The XVLD and YVLD (X and Y valid) outputs from the X- and Y-position counter
multiplexers are latched (F10) and gated together to enable the Z axis
output , BVLD (beam valid).

Video Outputs

The video-output circuit consists of three individual circuits; X-axis, Y-axis
and Z-axis. The X-axis and Y-axis video-output circuits each consist of a 
digital-to-analog converter (DAC), current-to-voltage converter, two sample
and holds, and amplifier. The Z-axis video-output circuit consists of a shift
register and a summer.

X and Y Outputs

The DACs (D11 and B11) each receive binary numbers from the vector generator's
position counter outputs. These numbers represent the location of the beam on
the monitor. For the non-inverted X axis, the number range from 0 to 1023,
where 0 is at the far left of the monitor screen, 512 is at the center, and
1023 is at the far right. For the non-inverted Y axis, the numbers range from
128 to 996, where 128 is at the bottom of the monitor screen 512 is at the
center and 996 is at the top. When the X axis or Y axis are inverted, the
monitor picture is turned upside down. This is used for a two-player cocktail

The DACs convert these binary number inputs to current outputs. The DACs'
current outputs are applied to the pin-6 inputs of current-to-voltage
converters C12 and A12.

From the current-to-voltage converters, the signal is fed to two sample and
hold circuits: One is non-inverted and the other is inverted. The non-inverted
sample and hold consists of one stage of analog switch D12 and capacitor C89
for the X axis, and B12 and C109 for the Y axis. The inverting sample and hold
consists of inverter E12, one stage of analog switch D12 and capacitor C88 for
the X axis and B/C12, B12 and C110 for the Y axis.

The sample-and-hold ciruits are controlled by SHCON (sample and hold control).
SHCON is derived by gating 3MHz from the microcomputer clock circuitry and
VGCK* from the vector venerator's state generator. The result of these inputs
insures that the non-inverted and inverted analog signals that are applied to
the analog switches have sufficently stabilized before being applied to the
sample-and-hold capacitors.

The output swing of SHCON is -8 to +8 VDC. When SHCON is high, the voltage
charges or discharges the sample-and-hold capacitors to the X and Y analog
voltage value. The voltages are then applied to the inputs of the second analog
switch. These switches select either the non-inverted or inverted X-axis and
Y-axis outputs. The outputs are then amplified by the second stages of C12 and
A12 for an impedance-matched output to the X and Y inputs of the monitor. Since
the monitor doesn't have field-adjustable X and Y gains, the gains are 
adjustable by variable resistors R120 and R126.

Z Output

The Z-axis video output receives six inputs. BVLD (beam valid), from the output
of the vector generator's position counters, tells the Z axis to draw the line.
BLANK/ (vector line blank), from the vector generator state machine, tells the
Z axis to stop drawing the line. SCALE0 thru SCALE3 (grey-level shading scale),
from the output of the vector generator's data latch, tells the Z axis the gray
level shading the the line that is being drawn on the monitor.

When BVLD and BLANK/ are both high, a high is clocked through shift register K9
that turns transistor Q3 off. This allows the scale inputs to be passed through
transistor Q2. When BLANK/ goes low, a low is clocked through K9, transistor Q3
turns on, and the signal is grounded at the base of transistor Q2.

The scale inputs at the base of transistor Q1 determine Q1's emitter voltage,
during the line draw period. THe SCALE0 and SCALE3 resistors R36 thru R39,
resistor R35, and resistor R40 result in a range of about +1.0 VDC when all
are low and +4.0VDC when all are high. The emitter of Q1 follows at about
+1.7 to 4.7 VDC, while the emitter of transistor Q2 follows at about +1.0
to 4.0 VDC. This output is applied to the Z input of the monitor. Since
there are brightness and contrast controls in the monitor, there are no
adjustments in this circuit.