PLEASE do not write a script to download everything here at once. It costs me money when this happens. Because this has happened a fair amount, your IP will be auto-blocked, and we now include random errors in a certain percentage of files when they are downloaded in massive quantity. Just don't do it.

Disclaimer: This information is provided as is. There may be errors in this information. You may use this information only if you agree that Minimalist /, its employees, and noted authors will never be held responsible for any damage, injury, death, mayhem, etc. caused by errors in the information. When working with high voltage, never work alone and always follow safety precautions.

 Name   Size   Modified 
 1943Schem.pdf 1,728,576    2018-08-15 05:07:48Z
 720Schem.pdf 4,254,439    2018-08-15 05:07:50Z
 AfterBurnerSchem.pdf 2,197,880    2018-08-15 05:07:52Z
 AlleyRallySchem.pdf 1,774,515    2018-08-15 05:07:52Z
 AmidarSchem.pdf 348,644    2018-08-15 05:07:52Z
 arabian-sp-237Schem.pdf 3,248,878    2018-08-15 05:07:54Z
 Asteroids Deluxe Complete.pdf 1,707,240    2018-08-15 05:07:54Z
 Astro Fighter.pdf 866,723    2018-08-15 05:07:54Z
 Atari 4 Player Football.pdf 1,359,805    2018-08-15 05:07:56Z
 Atari Soccer.pdf 1,413,594    2018-08-15 05:07:56Z
 Avenger.pdf 372,349    2018-08-15 05:07:56Z
 AztaracSchem.pdf 2,076,070    2018-08-15 05:07:56Z
 BagmanSchem.pdf 1,105,786    2018-08-15 05:07:58Z
 BaseballVid.pdf 191,113    2018-08-15 05:07:58Z
 Battle Zone Sound.pdf 178,044    2018-08-15 05:07:58Z
 Battle Zone.pdf 2,277,651    2018-08-15 05:07:58Z
 BattleZoneEngrSchem.pdf 6,092,090    2018-08-15 05:08:02Z
 BazookaSchem.pdf 2,109,431    2018-08-15 05:08:02Z
 BiplaneSchem.pdf 5,227,512    2018-08-15 05:08:06Z
 BlackWidowSchem.pdf 7,590,622    2018-08-15 05:08:12Z
 BubbleBobbleSchem.pdf 4,290,743    2018-08-15 05:08:14Z
 BuggyChallengeSchem.pdf 3,829,141    2018-08-15 05:08:16Z
 BurgerTimeSchem.pdf 663,097    2018-08-15 05:08:16Z
 ChampionBaseballSchem.pdf 663,460    2018-08-15 05:08:18Z
 ChampionshipBaseball2Schem.pdf 279,895    2018-08-15 05:08:18Z
 ChaseHQSchem.pdf 10,689,996    2018-08-15 05:08:22Z
 cheekyMouseSchem.pdf 329,107    2018-08-15 05:08:22Z
 ContinentalCircusSchem.pdf 5,450,850    2018-08-15 05:08:24Z
 ContraSchem.pdf 1,017,939    2018-08-15 05:08:24Z
 CosmicChasmSchem.pdf 7,064,553    2018-08-15 05:08:26Z
 DesertPatrolSchem.pdf 2,113,428    2018-08-15 05:08:28Z
 DoubleDribbleSchem.pdf 565,921    2018-08-15 05:08:28Z
 ExpressRaiderSchem.pdf 4,047,402    2018-08-15 05:08:30Z
 FantasySchem.pdf 893,098    2018-08-15 05:08:30Z
 FinalBlowSchem.pdf 1,547,387    2018-08-15 05:08:30Z
 FinalRoundSchem.pdf 1,367,911    2018-08-15 05:08:32Z
 FriskyTomSchem.pdf 827,045    2018-08-15 05:08:32Z
 FroggerSchem.pdf 2,314,177    2018-08-15 05:08:32Z
 GalaxyForceSchem.pdf 2,956,075    2018-08-15 05:08:34Z
 GotchaSchem.pdf 491,021    2018-08-15 05:08:34Z
 GreenBeretSchem.pdf 200,091    2018-08-15 05:08:34Z
 HangOnSchem.pdf 2,360,795    2018-08-15 05:08:34Z
 HardDrivinSchem.pdf 2,086,722    2018-08-15 05:08:36Z
 HardDrivinSoundSchem.pdf 987,505    2018-08-15 05:08:36Z
 HeliFireSchem.pdf 1,469,908    2018-08-15 05:08:36Z
 HitMeSchem.pdf 2,015,397    2018-08-15 05:08:38Z
 HoccerSchem.pdf 636,228    2018-08-15 05:08:38Z
 HotRodSchem.pdf 1,914,225    2018-08-15 05:08:38Z
 HyperSportsSchem.pdf 1,526,291    2018-08-15 05:08:40Z
 IntruderSchem.pdf 1,589,066    2018-08-15 05:08:40Z
 JackTheGiantKillerSchem.pdf 847,213    2018-08-15 05:08:40Z
 KangarooSchem.pdf 4,454,510    2018-08-15 05:08:42Z
 KaosSchem.pdf 621,299    2018-08-15 05:08:42Z
 KnuckleBashSchem.pdf 585,158    2018-08-15 05:08:42Z
 LadyBugSchem.pdf 452,058    2018-08-15 05:08:42Z
 LazarianSchem.pdf 1,089,238    2018-08-15 05:08:44Z
 LazerSchem.pdf 536,077    2018-08-15 05:08:44Z
 LethalEnforcersSchem.pdf 1,923,114    2018-08-15 05:08:44Z
 LightningFightersSchem.pdf 581,122    2018-08-15 05:08:44Z
 LoopingSchem.pdf 1,006,456    2018-08-15 05:08:46Z
 MadPlanetsSchem.pdf 2,709,492    2018-08-15 05:08:46Z
 MagMaxSchem.pdf 1,094,436    2018-08-15 05:08:46Z
 MonsterBashSchem.pdf 1,491,591    2018-08-15 05:08:48Z
 MoonCrestaSchem.pdf 1,904,573    2018-08-15 05:08:48Z
 NaughtyBoySchem.pdf 891,427    2018-08-15 05:08:48Z
 NemesisSchem.pdf 1,232,497    2018-08-15 05:08:50Z
 NibblerSchem.pdf 525,915    2018-08-15 05:08:50Z
 PandorasPalaceSchem.pdf 1,761,853    2018-08-15 05:08:50Z
 PlaychoiceSchem.pdf 1,703,797    2018-08-15 05:08:52Z
 PolarisSchem.pdf 1,265,025    2018-08-15 05:08:52Z
 PolePositionSchem.pdf 6,761,046    2018-08-15 05:08:54Z
 PongDoublesSchem.pdf 306,758    2018-08-15 05:08:56Z
 PONGSchem.pdf 1,103,966    2018-08-15 05:08:56Z
 QBertSchem.pdf 2,191,796    2018-08-15 05:08:56Z
 RadarScopeSchem.pdf 3,505,584    2018-08-15 05:08:58Z
 RallyBikeSchem.pdf 5,353,714    2018-08-15 05:09:00Z
 RastanSchem.pdf 1,658,218    2018-08-15 05:09:00Z
 RollingThunderSchem.pdf 1,339,015    2018-08-15 05:09:02Z
 RoundUpSchem.pdf 450,423    2018-08-15 05:09:02Z
 RugRatsSchem.pdf 836,125    2018-08-15 05:09:02Z
 RygarSchem.pdf 1,952,386    2018-08-15 05:09:02Z
 SeaWolf2-Schematics.pdf 1,646,385    2018-08-15 04:55:04Z
 SinistarSchem.pdf 2,439,063    2018-08-15 05:09:04Z
 SpaceBattleSchem.pdf 2,415,783    2018-08-15 05:09:06Z
 SpaceDuelSchem.pdf 5,321,885    2018-08-15 05:09:08Z
 SpaceFeverColorSchem.pdf 647,404    2018-08-15 05:09:08Z
 SpaceHarrierSchem.pdf 3,231,898    2018-08-15 05:09:10Z
 SpacePilot-TPSUB2Schem.PDF 31,172    2018-08-15 05:09:10Z
 SpaceRaceSchem.pdf 931,662    2018-08-15 05:09:10Z
 StratovoxSchem.pdf 1,829,651    2018-08-15 05:09:10Z
 SuperBBallSchem.pdf 763,698    2018-08-15 05:09:10Z
 SuperZaxxonSchem.pdf 2,914,181    2018-08-15 05:09:12Z
 TakeFiveSchem.pdf 1,239,911    2018-08-15 05:09:12Z
 TankersSchem.pdf 4,709,787    2018-08-15 05:09:14Z
 TimePilot84Schem.pdf 475,223    2018-08-15 05:09:14Z
 tomahawkschem.pdf 1,643,055    2018-08-15 05:09:16Z
 TurboSchem.pdf 4,652,526    2018-08-15 05:09:18Z
 TX1Schem.pdf 8,350,039    2018-08-15 05:09:20Z
 ViolentStormSchem.pdf 697,038    2018-08-15 05:09:20Z
 VSSchem.pdf 375,921    2018-08-15 05:09:20Z
 WarlordsSchem.pdf 1,409,133    2018-08-15 05:09:22Z
 WECLeMansSchem.pdf 1,795,413    2018-08-15 05:09:22Z

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All text files are still available to anyone at anytime.

If you have anything that fits here, please contribute. If you have a manual, and a scanner, consider scanning it. If you don't have a scanner, consider mailing it to us so we can scan it. We'll return it to you. Please read the contribution guidelines and contact me through the feedback form with your contribution.