Cyberball is what the future of sports could be. Instead of human athletes, robots take the place of the sports hero. Standing eighteen feet tall and playing with an explosive 300 pound ball there is sure to be some exciting action. The game itself is simple, void of complex graphics and stereo sound. Yet it's the chess of football. There is no margin for error. Passing and running are precision oriented. There is no such thing as a field goal or punting the ball away. If you don't defuse or score you blow up! Teams consist of seven players each and you have six plays in which you can try to convert. Good luck!!
John Salwitz, the creator of Cyberball, still plays to this very day.
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promotional flyer Member Ratings / Comments
by ucsbjones.
Comment: "one of the greatest footbal type ames ever. The playability i unmathced in many games today. Also the seperate monitors would be a welcome addition in newer arcade games. "
2004-04-25 02:39:45Z
by er1c777.
Comment: "Anyone know where I would be able to purchase this entire system? I've been trying to look for this as well as Cystal Castles, Double Dribble, WrestleFest, and Karate Fighter. Please let me know. Email me at Thanks."
2004-09-22 01:00:52Z
by Mayor_McCheese.
Comment: "I ruled at this game. My skills are unmatched and I rarely lost. I own everyone at this game and their mothers."
2005-10-18 21:12:32Z