megaman, Mega Man - The Power Battle (Asia)
rockmanj, Rockman - The Power Battle (Japan)
Game Details
This game was released on both of Capcom's CPS1 and CPS2 hardware. Both are very rare and now hard to find anyware. The game wasnt really a hit in the US so not many units were made. The gameplay basicly consisted of the player
choosing one of 3 heroes. You take your hero and fight against various bosses from the Mega Man nintendo and SNES games. You could choose to go against the bosses from Mega Man 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, or 7. All you did in the game was fight bosses. Graphics were good for the time, but the game was
primitive and the bosses patterns were easy.
control panel
title screen
gameplay screen
promotional flyer Member Ratings / Comments
by Yu_Gi_Oh_KingofGames.
Comment: "I've played this game at the arcade and all I have to say is that this games is the most fun I've had in a long time with a megaman game. It's a lot more fun than any other Megaman games (excluding Megaman X games) and let you choose from Megaman, Protoman, and Bassman. If you see this game put in a quarter (or token) and have a blast."
2001-11-04 20:57:15Z