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BattleTech (バトルテック)

Released in 1989

     (0 total votes)

Game Summary

Mecha simulator, based on the FASA pen-n-paper RPG.

Game Details

Battletech has gone through many incarnations and improvements over the years; Battletech centers house linked cockpit machines, and people play as teams against others. You control a 30' robot (based on/ripped off from Macross and other sundry Japanese anime) and the controls inside reflect the complexity of a real working machine. There are sticks, buttons, and levers all over the place. Like Planet Hollywood and other failed chains of late, Battletech centers expanded too quick into areas not hip enough to support them, and most have disappeared.

The original Battletech simulators featured in-cockpit voice communication systems to contact teammates, but this was later removed. Member Ratings / Comments

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This game page was created 8/3/1998 12:00:00 AM and last updated 12/1/1999 2:27:11 PM