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Arch Rivals

Released in 1989

Developer: Bally / Midway
Manufacturer: Bally / Midway
Distributor: Bally / Midway

     (0 total votes)

Arch Rivals marquee
game marquee

Game Summary

2-on-2 basketball...with foul play!

Hardware Info

Controls: 1 Joystick / Button(s)
Horizontal-mounted Raster monitor
512 x 480 Resolution
Colors: 128 Color

Additional Hardware Info (from Mame)

68000 cpu @ 7 Mhz
M6809 cpu @ 4 Mhz
YM-2151 audio @ 3 Mhz
DAC audio
HC55516 audio

Hardware Platform

Bally Midway MCR68000

Mame ROMs

archrivl, Arch Rivals

Game Details

Arch Rivals is, more than any other game, the spiritual forebear to NBA Jam. Players choose their team and player, then battle it out in a 2 on 2 matchup where shoving and punching is entirely legal. There was no official license, and operators could customize the team names, including local colleges and high schools with the "Hometown Heroes" upgrade kit. The game is similar in style and spirit to Midway's other sports/action hybrid from the same time period, Pigskin.

Arch Rivals control panel
control panel

Arch Rivals cabinet photo
cabinet photo
Arch Rivals title screen
title screen
Arch Rivals gameplay screen shot
gameplay screen
Arch Rivals promotional flyer
promotional flyer Member Ratings / Comments

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This game page was created 8/3/1998 12:00:00 AM and last updated 6/20/2000 6:17:01 PM