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Speed Freak (スピードフリーク)
Released in 1979
Developer: Vectorbeam
Manufacturer: Vectorbeam
Distributor: Vectorbeam

(0 total votes)
Game Summary
Driving game with an occasional car in the oncoming lane and a cow on the shoulder.
Hardware Info
Controls: Steering / Pedal(s) / Gearshift
Vector monitor
0 x 0 Resolution
Colors: 256
Additional Hardware Info (from Mame)
@ 5 Mhz
* Samples
* Information was extracted from Mame, so "Samples audio" may indicate the game
has analog sound hardware.
Mame ROMs
speedfrk, Speed Freak
Game Details
Crashing caused a cracked windshield display and sometimes a "car parts flying everywhere" display.
"Maybe" Images
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This game page was created 8/3/1998 12:00:00 AM and last updated 8/3/1998 12:00:00 AM