Document Title: [68010.txt (text file)]
---------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | Motorola | | | | 666 88888 000 1 000 | | 6 8 8 0 0 11 0 0 | | 6 8 8 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 | | 666666 88888 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 | | 6 6 8 8 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 | | 6 6 8 8 0 0 1 0 0 | | 66666 88888 000 111 000 | | | | 68010 MICROPROCESSOR Instruction Set Summary | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | _________ _________ | | | \__/ | | | <--> D4 -|1 64|- D5 <--> | | <--> D3 -|2 63|- D6 <--> | | <--> D2 -|3 62|- D7 <--> | | <--> D1 -|4 61|- D8 <--> | | <--> D0 -|5 60|- D9 <--> | | <-- ~AS -|6 59|- D10 <--> | | <-- ~UDS -|7 58|- D11 <--> | | <-- ~LDS -|8 57|- D12 <--> | | <-- R/~W -|9 56|- D13 <--> | | --> ~DTACK -|10 55|- D14 <--> | | <-- ~BG -|11 54|- D15 <--> | | --> ~BGACK -|12 53|- GND | | --> ~BR -|13 52|- A23 --> | | Vcc -|14 51|- A22 --> | | --> CLK -|15 50|- A21 --> | | GND -|16 68010 49|- Vcc | | <--> ~HALT -|17 48|- A20 --> | | <--> ~RESET -|18 47|- A19 --> | | <-- ~VMA -|19 46|- A18 --> | | <-- E -|20 45|- A17 --> | | --> ~VPA -|21 44|- A16 --> | | --> ~BERR -|22 43|- A15 --> | | --> ~IPL2 -|23 42|- A14 --> | | --> ~IPL1 -|24 41|- A13 --> | | --> ~IPL0 -|25 40|- A12 --> | | <-- FC2 -|26 39|- A11 --> | | <-- FC1 -|27 38|- A10 --> | | <-- FC0 -|28 37|- A9 --> | | <-- A1 -|29 36|- A8 --> | | <-- A2 -|30 35|- A7 --> | | <-- A3 -|31 34|- A6 --> | | <-- A4 -|32 33|- A5 --> | | |______________________| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Written by Jonathan Bowen | | Programming Research Group | | Oxford University Computing Laboratory | | 8-11 Keble Road | | Oxford OX1 3QD | | England | | | | Tel +44-865-273840 | | | |Created November 1984 | |Updated April 1985 | |Issue 1.1 Copyright (C) J.P.Bowen 1985| ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- |Mnemonic |XNZVC|BWL|Description |Notes | |-----------+-----+---+----------------------+-----------------| |ABCD s,d |*?*?*|X |Add BCD format |d=BCD{d+s+X} | |ADD s,d |*****|XXX|Add binary |d=d+s | |ADDA s,An |-----| XX|Add Address |An=An+s | |ADDI #e,d |*****|XXX|Add Immediate |d=d+e | |ADDQ #q,d |*****|XXX|Add Quick |d=d+q | |ADDX s,d |*****|XXX|Add Extended |d=d+s+X | |AND s,d |-**00|XXX|Logical AND |d=d&s | |ANDI #e,d |-**00|XXX|Logical AND Immediate |d=d&e | |ASlr d |*****|XXX|Arithmetic Shift |d=d*2 or d=d/2 | |Bcc l |-----|XX |Branch conditionally |If cc BRA | |BCHG s,d |--*--| XX|Bit test and Change |BTST,d<s>=Z | |BCLR d |--*--| XX|Bit test and Clear |BTST,d<s>=0 | |BRA l |-----|XX |Branch Always |PC=l | |BSET d |--*--| XX|Bit test and Set |BTST,d<s>=1 | |BSR l |-----|XX |Branch to Subroutine |-[SP]=PC,PC=l | |BTST d |--*--| XX|Bit Test |Z=~d<s> | |CHK s,Dn |-*???| X |Check register |If 0>Dn>s $[18H] | |CLR d |-0100|XXX|Clear operand |d=0 | |CMP s,Dn |-****|XXX|Compare |Dn-s | |CMPA s,An |-****|XXX|Compare Address |An-s | |CMPI #e,d |-****|XXX|Compare Immediate |d-e | |CMPM s,d |-****|XXX|Compare Memory |d-s | |DBcc Dn,l |-----| |Decrement and Branch |If~cc&Dn-1~-1 BRA| |DIVS s,Dn |-***0| X |Signed Division |Dn={Dn%s,Dn/s} | |DIVU s,Dn |-***0| X |Unsigned Division |Dn={Dn%s,Dn/s} | |EOR Dn,d |-**00|XXX|Exclusive OR |d=dxDn | |EORI #e,d |-**00|XXX|Exclusive OR Immediate|d=dxe | |EXG r,r |-----| X|Exchange registers |r<->r | |EXT Dn |-**00| XX|Extend sign |Dn<hi>=Dn<7or15> | |JMP d |-----| |Jump |PC=d | |JSR d |-----| |Jump to Subroutine |-[SP]=PC,PC=d | |LEA s,An |-----| X|Load Effective Address|An=EA{s} | |LINK An,#nn|-----| |Link and allocate |-[SP]=An=SP=SP+nn| |LSlr d |***0*|XXX|Logical Shift |d=->{C,d,0}<- | |MOVE s,d |-**00|XXX|Move data |d=s | |MOVE s,cs |*****|XX |Move to status reg |cs=s | |MOVE cs,d |-----|XX |Move from status reg |d=cs | |MOVE USP,An|-----| X|Move User SP |USP=An or An=USP | |MOVEA s,An |-----| XX|Move Address |An=s | |MOVEC Cr,An|-----| X|Move Control register |Cr=An or An=Cr | |MOVEM s,d |-----| XX|Move Multiple register|rr=s or d=rr | |MOVEP s,d |-----| XX|Move Peripheral data |d=Dn or Dn=s | |MOVEQ #q,d |-**00| X|Move Quick |d=q | |MOVES s,d |-----| X|Move alternate Space |d=An or An=s | |MULS s,Dn |-**00| X |Signed Multiply |Dn<0:31>=Dn*s | |MULU s,Dn |-**00| X |Unsigned Multiply |Dn<0:31>=Dn*s | |NBCD d |*?*?*|X |Negate BCD format |d=BCD{-d-X} | |NEG d |*****|XXX|Negate |d=-d | |NEGX d |*****|XXX|Negate with Extend |d=-d-X | |NOP |-----| |No Operation | | |NOT d |-**00|XXX|Logical NOT |d=~d | |OR s,d |-**00|XXX|Inclusive OR |d=dvs | |ORI #e,d |-**00|XXX|Inclusive OR Immediate|d=dve | |PEA s |-----| X|Push Effective Address|-[SP]=EA{s} | |RESET |-----| |Reset external devices|Reset line=0 | |ROlr d |-**0*|XXX|Rotate |d=->{d}<- | |ROXlr d |***0*|XXX|Rotate with Extend |d=->{d}<-,X=C | |RTE |*****| |Return from Exception |SR=[SSP]+,RTS | |RTR |*****| |Return and Restore |SR<0:4>=[SP]+,RTS| |RTS |-----| |Return from Subroutine|PC=[SP]+ | |SBCD s,d |*?*?*|X |Subtract BCD format |d=BCD{d-s-X} | |Scc d |-----|X |Set conditionally |d=0 or d=-1 | |STOP #nn |*****| |Load status and Stop |SR=nn, wait | |SUB s,d |*****|XXX|Subtract binary |d=d-s | |SUBA s,An |-----| XX|Subtract Address |An=An-s | |SUBI #e,d |*****|XXX|Subtract Immediate |d=d-e | |SUBQ #q,d |*****|XXX|Subtract Quick |d=d-q | |SUBX s,d |*****|XXX|Subtract with Extend |d=d-s-X | |SWAP Dn |-**00| X |Swap register halves |Dn<hi><->Dn<lo> | |TAS d |-**00|X |Test And Set |d<7>=1 | |TRAP #n |-----| |Trap (n=0-15)|$[80H+4*n] | |TRAPV |-----| |Trap on Overflow |If V=1 $[1CH] | |TST d |-**00|XXX|Test |d | |UNLK An |-----| |Unlink |SP=An,An=[SP]+ | |DC e(,...) |?????|XXX|Define Constant |**NOT an opcode**| |DS e |?????|XXX|Define Storage |**NOT an opcode**| ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- |Mnemonic |XNZVC|BWL|Description | |-----------+-----+---+----------------------------------------| | CCR |-*01?| |Unaffected/affected/reset/set/unknown | | T | | |Trace mode flag (Bit 15) | | S | | |Supervisor/user mode select (Bit 13) | | In | | |Interrupt mask flag #n (Bits 8-10,n=0-2)| | X |X | |Extend flag (Bit 4) | | N | N | |Negative flag (Bit 3) | | Z | Z | |Zero flag (Bit 2) | | V | V | |Overflow flag (Bit 1) | | C | C| |Carry flag (Bit 0) | |-----------------+---+----------------------------------------| | .B |X |Byte attribute (8-bit, .S for branch) | | .W | X |Word attribute (16-bit) | | .L | X|Long word attribute (32-bit) | |---------------------+----------------------------------------| | Dn |Data register direct addressing | | An |Address register direct addressing | | [An] |Register indirect addressing | | [An]+ |Post-increment register indirect addr. | | -[An] |Pre-decrement register indirect addr. | | n[An] |Offset register indirect addressing | | n[An,r] |Index register indirect addressing | | nn |Short absolute data addressing | | nnnn |Long absolute data addressing | | nn |Program counter relative addressing | | nn[r] |Program counter with index addressing | | #e |Immediate data addressing | |---------------------+----------------------------------------| | An |Address register (16/32-bit, n=0-7) | | CCR |Condition Code Register (8-bit, low SR) | | Dn |Data register (8/16/32-bit, n=0-7) | | PC |Program Counter (24-bit) | | SFC DFC |Alternative Function Code regs (3-bits) | | SP |Active Stack Pointer (equivalent to A7) | | SR |Status Register (16-bit) | | SSP |Supervisor Stack Pointer (32-bit) | | USP |User Stack Pointer (32-bit) | | VBR |Vector Base Register (32-bit) | |---------------------+----------------------------------------| | BCD{ } EA{ } |Binary Coded Decimal/Effective Address | | cc |Condition = (T/F/HI/LS/CC/CS/NE/EQ/ | | | VC/VS/PL/MI/GE/LT/GT/LE) | | cs |Register CCR or SR | | d s |Destination/source | | e n nn nnnn |Any/8-bit/16-bit/32-bit expression | | l |Branch displacement label (8/16-bit) | | lr |Left/right direction = (L/R) | | q |Quick expression (1-8) | | r |Any register An or Dn | | rr |Multiple registers (-=range,/=separator)| | + - * / % |Add/subtract/multiply/divide/remainder | | & ~ v x |AND/NOT/inclusive OR/exclusive OR | | ->{ }<- <-> |Rotate left or right/exchange operands | | [ ] -[ ] [ ]+ |Indirect/autoincrement/autodecr. address| | < > <:> <hi> <lo>|Bit number/bit range/high half/low half | | { } {,} |Combination of operands | | $ |Software trap -[SP]=PC,-[SP]=SR,PC=... | |---------------------+----------------------------------------| | 0000H to 0007H |Reset vector (initial SSP and PC) (0-1)| | 0008H to 000BH |Bus error vector (2)| | 000CH to 000FH |Address error vector (3)| | 0010H to 0013H |Illegal instruction vector (4)| | 0014H to 0017H |Zero divide vector (5)| | 0018H to 001BH |CHK instruction vector (6)| | 001CH to 001FH |TRAPV instruction vector (7)| | 0020H to 0023H |Privilege violation vector (8)| | 0024H to 0027H |Trace vector (9)| | 0028H to 002FH |Line 1010/1111 emulator vectors (10-11)| | 0030H to 0037H |Unassigned (reserved) (12-13)| | 0038H to 003BH |Format error vector (14)| | 003CH to 003FH |Uninitialised interrupt vector (15)| | 0040H to 005FH |Unassigned (reserved) (16-23)| | 0060H to 0063H |Spurious interrupt vector (24)| | 0064H to 007FH |Level 1-7 interrupt auto-vectors (25-31)| | 0080H to 00BFH |TRAP #0-15 instruction vectors (32-47)| | 00C0H to 00FFH |Unassigned (reserved) (48-63)| | 0100H to 03FFH |User interrupt vectors (64-255)| ---------------------------------------------------------------- }