Disclaimer: This information is provided as is. There may be errors in this information. You may use this information only if you agree that Minimalist / Coinop.org, its employees, and noted authors will never be held responsible for any damage, injury, death, mayhem, etc. caused by errors in the information. When working with high voltage, never work alone and always follow safety precautions.

Document Title: [68010.txt (text file)]

|                                                              |
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|                           Motorola                           |
|                                                              |
|           666      88888      000      1      000            |
|          6        8     8    0   0    11     0   0           |
|         6         8     8   0   0 0    1    0   0 0          |
|         666666     88888    0  0  0    1    0  0  0          |
|         6     6   8     8   0 0   0    1    0 0   0          |
|         6     6   8     8    0   0     1     0   0           |
|          66666     88888      000     111     000            |
|                                                              |
|        68010 MICROPROCESSOR Instruction Set Summary          |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                    _________    _________                    |
|                   |         \__/         |                   |
|          <--> D4 -|1                   64|- D5 <-->          |
|          <--> D3 -|2                   63|- D6 <-->          |
|          <--> D2 -|3                   62|- D7 <-->          |
|          <--> D1 -|4                   61|- D8 <-->          |
|          <--> D0 -|5                   60|- D9 <-->          |
|          <-- ~AS -|6                   59|- D10 <-->         |
|         <-- ~UDS -|7                   58|- D11 <-->         |
|         <-- ~LDS -|8                   57|- D12 <-->         |
|         <-- R/~W -|9                   56|- D13 <-->         |
|       --> ~DTACK -|10                  55|- D14 <-->         |
|          <-- ~BG -|11                  54|- D15 <-->         |
|       --> ~BGACK -|12                  53|- GND              |
|          --> ~BR -|13                  52|- A23 -->          |
|              Vcc -|14                  51|- A22 -->          |
|          --> CLK -|15                  50|- A21 -->          |
|              GND -|16       68010      49|- Vcc              |
|       <--> ~HALT -|17                  48|- A20 -->          |
|      <--> ~RESET -|18                  47|- A19 -->          |
|         <-- ~VMA -|19                  46|- A18 -->          |
|            <-- E -|20                  45|- A17 -->          |
|         --> ~VPA -|21                  44|- A16 -->          |
|        --> ~BERR -|22                  43|- A15 -->          |
|        --> ~IPL2 -|23                  42|- A14 -->          |
|        --> ~IPL1 -|24                  41|- A13 -->          |
|        --> ~IPL0 -|25                  40|- A12 -->          |
|          <-- FC2 -|26                  39|- A11 -->          |
|          <-- FC1 -|27                  38|- A10 -->          |
|          <-- FC0 -|28                  37|- A9 -->           |
|           <-- A1 -|29                  36|- A8 -->           |
|           <-- A2 -|30                  35|- A7 -->           |
|           <-- A3 -|31                  34|- A6 -->           |
|           <-- A4 -|32                  33|- A5 -->           |
|                   |______________________|                   |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|Written by     Jonathan Bowen                                 |
|               Programming Research Group                     |
|               Oxford University Computing Laboratory         |
|               8-11 Keble Road                                |
|               Oxford OX1 3QD                                 |
|               England                                        |
|                                                              |
|               Tel +44-865-273840                             |
|                                                              |
|Created        November 1984                                  |
|Updated        April 1985                                     |
|Issue          1.1                Copyright (C) J.P.Bowen 1985|
|Mnemonic   |XNZVC|BWL|Description           |Notes            |
|ABCD  s,d  |*?*?*|X  |Add BCD format        |d=BCD{d+s+X}     |
|ADD   s,d  |*****|XXX|Add binary            |d=d+s            |
|ADDA  s,An |-----| XX|Add Address           |An=An+s          |
|ADDI  #e,d |*****|XXX|Add Immediate         |d=d+e            |
|ADDQ  #q,d |*****|XXX|Add Quick             |d=d+q            |
|ADDX  s,d  |*****|XXX|Add Extended          |d=d+s+X          |
|AND   s,d  |-**00|XXX|Logical AND           |d=d&s            |
|ANDI  #e,d |-**00|XXX|Logical AND Immediate |d=d&e            |
|ASlr  d    |*****|XXX|Arithmetic Shift      |d=d*2 or d=d/2   |
|Bcc   l    |-----|XX |Branch conditionally  |If cc BRA        |
|BCHG  s,d  |--*--| XX|Bit test and Change   |BTST,d<s>=Z      |
|BCLR  d    |--*--| XX|Bit test and Clear    |BTST,d<s>=0      |
|BRA   l    |-----|XX |Branch Always         |PC=l             |
|BSET  d    |--*--| XX|Bit test and Set      |BTST,d<s>=1      |
|BSR   l    |-----|XX |Branch to Subroutine  |-[SP]=PC,PC=l    |
|BTST  d    |--*--| XX|Bit Test              |Z=~d<s>          |
|CHK   s,Dn |-*???| X |Check register        |If 0>Dn>s $[18H] |
|CLR   d    |-0100|XXX|Clear operand         |d=0              |
|CMP   s,Dn |-****|XXX|Compare               |Dn-s             |
|CMPA  s,An |-****|XXX|Compare Address       |An-s             |
|CMPI  #e,d |-****|XXX|Compare Immediate     |d-e              |
|CMPM  s,d  |-****|XXX|Compare Memory        |d-s              |
|DBcc  Dn,l |-----|   |Decrement and Branch  |If~cc&Dn-1~-1 BRA|
|DIVS  s,Dn |-***0| X |Signed Division       |Dn={Dn%s,Dn/s}   |
|DIVU  s,Dn |-***0| X |Unsigned Division     |Dn={Dn%s,Dn/s}   |
|EOR   Dn,d |-**00|XXX|Exclusive OR          |d=dxDn           |
|EORI  #e,d |-**00|XXX|Exclusive OR Immediate|d=dxe            |
|EXG   r,r  |-----|  X|Exchange registers    |r<->r            |
|EXT   Dn   |-**00| XX|Extend sign           |Dn<hi>=Dn<7or15> |
|JMP   d    |-----|   |Jump                  |PC=d             |
|JSR   d    |-----|   |Jump to Subroutine    |-[SP]=PC,PC=d    |
|LEA   s,An |-----|  X|Load Effective Address|An=EA{s}         |
|LINK An,#nn|-----|   |Link and allocate     |-[SP]=An=SP=SP+nn|
|LSlr  d    |***0*|XXX|Logical Shift         |d=->{C,d,0}<-    |
|MOVE  s,d  |-**00|XXX|Move data             |d=s              |
|MOVE  s,cs |*****|XX |Move to status reg    |cs=s             |
|MOVE  cs,d |-----|XX |Move from status reg  |d=cs             |
|MOVE USP,An|-----|  X|Move User SP          |USP=An or An=USP |
|MOVEA s,An |-----| XX|Move Address          |An=s             |
|MOVEC Cr,An|-----|  X|Move Control register |Cr=An or An=Cr   |
|MOVEM s,d  |-----| XX|Move Multiple register|rr=s or d=rr     |
|MOVEP s,d  |-----| XX|Move Peripheral data  |d=Dn or Dn=s     |
|MOVEQ #q,d |-**00|  X|Move Quick            |d=q              |
|MOVES s,d  |-----|  X|Move alternate Space  |d=An or An=s     |
|MULS  s,Dn |-**00| X |Signed Multiply       |Dn<0:31>=Dn*s    |
|MULU  s,Dn |-**00| X |Unsigned Multiply     |Dn<0:31>=Dn*s    |
|NBCD  d    |*?*?*|X  |Negate BCD format     |d=BCD{-d-X}      |
|NEG   d    |*****|XXX|Negate                |d=-d             |
|NEGX  d    |*****|XXX|Negate with Extend    |d=-d-X           |
|NOP        |-----|   |No Operation          |                 |
|NOT   d    |-**00|XXX|Logical NOT           |d=~d             |
|OR    s,d  |-**00|XXX|Inclusive OR          |d=dvs            |
|ORI   #e,d |-**00|XXX|Inclusive OR Immediate|d=dve            |
|PEA   s    |-----|  X|Push Effective Address|-[SP]=EA{s}      |
|RESET      |-----|   |Reset external devices|Reset line=0     |
|ROlr  d    |-**0*|XXX|Rotate                |d=->{d}<-        |
|ROXlr d    |***0*|XXX|Rotate with Extend    |d=->{d}<-,X=C    |
|RTE        |*****|   |Return from Exception |SR=[SSP]+,RTS    |
|RTR        |*****|   |Return and Restore    |SR<0:4>=[SP]+,RTS|
|RTS        |-----|   |Return from Subroutine|PC=[SP]+         |
|SBCD  s,d  |*?*?*|X  |Subtract BCD format   |d=BCD{d-s-X}     |
|Scc   d    |-----|X  |Set conditionally     |d=0 or d=-1      |
|STOP  #nn  |*****|   |Load status and Stop  |SR=nn, wait      |
|SUB   s,d  |*****|XXX|Subtract binary       |d=d-s            |
|SUBA  s,An |-----| XX|Subtract Address      |An=An-s          |
|SUBI  #e,d |*****|XXX|Subtract Immediate    |d=d-e            |
|SUBQ  #q,d |*****|XXX|Subtract Quick        |d=d-q            |
|SUBX  s,d  |*****|XXX|Subtract with Extend  |d=d-s-X          |
|SWAP  Dn   |-**00| X |Swap register halves  |Dn<hi><->Dn<lo>  |
|TAS   d    |-**00|X  |Test And Set          |d<7>=1           |
|TRAP  #n   |-----|   |Trap          (n=0-15)|$[80H+4*n]       |
|TRAPV      |-----|   |Trap on Overflow      |If V=1 $[1CH]    |
|TST   d    |-**00|XXX|Test                  |d                |
|UNLK  An   |-----|   |Unlink                |SP=An,An=[SP]+   |
|DC e(,...) |?????|XXX|Define Constant       |**NOT an opcode**|
|DS e       |?????|XXX|Define Storage        |**NOT an opcode**|
|Mnemonic   |XNZVC|BWL|Description                             |
| CCR       |-*01?|   |Unaffected/affected/reset/set/unknown   |
| T         |     |   |Trace mode flag (Bit 15)                |
| S         |     |   |Supervisor/user mode select (Bit 13)    |
| In        |     |   |Interrupt mask flag #n (Bits 8-10,n=0-2)|
| X         |X    |   |Extend flag (Bit 4)                     |
| N         | N   |   |Negative flag (Bit 3)                   |
| Z         |  Z  |   |Zero flag (Bit 2)                       |
| V         |   V |   |Overflow flag (Bit 1)                   |
| C         |    C|   |Carry flag (Bit 0)                      |
| .B              |X  |Byte attribute (8-bit, .S for branch)   |
| .W              | X |Word attribute (16-bit)                 |
| .L              |  X|Long word attribute (32-bit)            |
| Dn                  |Data register direct addressing         |
| An                  |Address register direct addressing      |
| [An]                |Register indirect addressing            |
| [An]+               |Post-increment register indirect addr.  |
| -[An]               |Pre-decrement register indirect addr.   |
| n[An]               |Offset register indirect addressing     |
| n[An,r]             |Index register indirect addressing      |
| nn                  |Short absolute data addressing          |
| nnnn                |Long absolute data addressing           |
| nn                  |Program counter relative addressing     |
| nn[r]               |Program counter with index addressing   |
| #e                  |Immediate data addressing               |
| An                  |Address register (16/32-bit, n=0-7)     |
| CCR                 |Condition Code Register (8-bit, low SR) |
| Dn                  |Data register (8/16/32-bit, n=0-7)      |
| PC                  |Program Counter (24-bit)                |
| SFC DFC             |Alternative Function Code regs (3-bits) |
| SP                  |Active Stack Pointer (equivalent to A7) |
| SR                  |Status Register (16-bit)                |
| SSP                 |Supervisor Stack Pointer (32-bit)       |
| USP                 |User Stack Pointer (32-bit)             |
| VBR                 |Vector Base Register (32-bit)           |
| BCD{ }  EA{ }       |Binary Coded Decimal/Effective Address  |
| cc                  |Condition = (T/F/HI/LS/CC/CS/NE/EQ/     |
|                     |           VC/VS/PL/MI/GE/LT/GT/LE)     |
| cs                  |Register CCR or SR                      |
| d  s                |Destination/source                      |
| e  n  nn  nnnn      |Any/8-bit/16-bit/32-bit expression      |
| l                   |Branch displacement label (8/16-bit)    |
| lr                  |Left/right direction = (L/R)            |
| q                   |Quick expression (1-8)                  |
| r                   |Any register An or Dn                   |
| rr                  |Multiple registers (-=range,/=separator)|
| +  -  *  /  %       |Add/subtract/multiply/divide/remainder  |
| &  ~  v  x          |AND/NOT/inclusive OR/exclusive OR       |
| ->{ }<-    <->      |Rotate left or right/exchange operands  |
| [ ]  -[ ]  [ ]+     |Indirect/autoincrement/autodecr. address|
| < >  <:>  <hi>  <lo>|Bit number/bit range/high half/low half |
| { }  {,}            |Combination of operands                 |
| $                   |Software trap -[SP]=PC,-[SP]=SR,PC=...  |
| 0000H to 0007H      |Reset vector (initial SSP and PC)  (0-1)|
| 0008H to 000BH      |Bus error vector                     (2)|
| 000CH to 000FH      |Address error vector                 (3)|
| 0010H to 0013H      |Illegal instruction vector           (4)|
| 0014H to 0017H      |Zero divide vector                   (5)|
| 0018H to 001BH      |CHK instruction vector               (6)|
| 001CH to 001FH      |TRAPV instruction vector             (7)|
| 0020H to 0023H      |Privilege violation vector           (8)|
| 0024H to 0027H      |Trace vector                         (9)|
| 0028H to 002FH      |Line 1010/1111 emulator vectors  (10-11)|
| 0030H to 0037H      |Unassigned (reserved)            (12-13)|
| 0038H to 003BH      |Format error vector                 (14)|
| 003CH to 003FH      |Uninitialised interrupt vector      (15)|
| 0040H to 005FH      |Unassigned (reserved)            (16-23)|
| 0060H to 0063H      |Spurious interrupt vector           (24)|
| 0064H to 007FH      |Level 1-7 interrupt auto-vectors (25-31)|
| 0080H to 00BFH      |TRAP #0-15 instruction vectors   (32-47)|
| 00C0H to 00FFH      |Unassigned (reserved)            (48-63)|
| 0100H to 03FFH      |User interrupt vectors          (64-255)|