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Arm Wrestling (アームレスリング)

Released in 1985

Developer: Nintendo
Manufacturer: Nintendo
Distributor: Nintendo

***** (4 total votes)

Arm Wrestling marquee
game marquee

Game Summary

Hero arm-wrestles a series of increasingly strong and increasingly odd characters, including a girl and her robot.

Additional Hardware Info (from Mame)

Z80 cpu @ 4 Mhz
N2A03 cpu @ 1 Mhz
NES audio @ 21 Mhz
DAC audio
VLM5030 audio @ 3 Mhz

Mame ROMs

armwrest, Arm Wrestling

Game Details

Arm Wrestling used TWO monitors, much the same way that Nintendo's Punch Out did. At one point, a villian would appear in the top monitor, and try to throw down a money bag at you in the lower monitor. You can pull the joystick away from the console for special actions.

"Bald Bull" makes an appearance as a masked character (you pull on the joystick to pull his mask off at the end of the match).

Arm Wrestling control panel
control panel

Arm Wrestling cabinet photo
cabinet photo
Arm Wrestling title screen
title screen
Arm Wrestling gameplay screen shot
gameplay screen
Arm Wrestling promotional flyer
promotional flyer Member Ratings / Comments

***** by donkeykong. Comment: "This game is great. TIMING is the key, not fast button bashing. Got as high as round 8. " 2003-07-01 21:37:43Z

***** by Chuckernut. Comment: "Very innovative game for the time. I got a kick out of seeing peoples faces when I'd face Alice and Ape III. They were all like "What the hell is that!"" 2003-11-09 15:31:01Z

***** by sodapopinski. Comment: "a deceptively difficult game. My dorm mates and I would spend hours (and lots of quarters) trying to beat that robot ape. In the vein of punch out but much more bizarre and much more Japanese in concept and feel. Had a great sound while wrestling. The announcer would say "LEKBO! LEKBO! LEKBO!" I can still hear it in my head." 2006-01-02 10:26:12Z

***** by ah_me. Comment: "What a classic, this was a superb original game that only nintendo know how to do. in the vain of punch out & super p o,remember playing this the crowds you got round the machine was unbelivable,"cash prize£50,0000 pounds come on come on, ha ha ha ha ha"bizzare." 2008-11-13 05:34:33Z

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